Hey lovelies,
So, I’ll love to talk about mental health, I believe that a lot of us may not be able to fully understand or explain “mental health”, so I will try as much as possible to use the most simplified words possible using less psychological jargon, stay with me!
World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as "... a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."
The WHO stresses that mental health "is not just the absence of mental disorder."
Simply put that mental health relates to a person and how he is emotionally, psychologically, (a state of emotional wellbeing, i.e the emotions and behavioural characteristics pertaining to that person) how he or she is able to deal with stress and other issues in such a way that he can work productively and is able to contribute his quota in making the world better. (easy peazy!)
Mental Health involves effective functioning in daily activities resulting in;
-Productive activities (work, school, care giving)
-Healthy relationships (with family, friends & people around)
-Ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity (bad event that happen in our personal, social, career area of life.
The definition of mental health affects every person on the planet. Dr. Mark Komrad (2012) asserts that "mental health problems affect all segments of society, regardless of age, gender, education, or ethnicity" (p.40). Indeed, everyone experiences mental health problems, and those problems can make us feel awful. They can negatively affect our thoughts, our emotions, and our behaviors. However, no matter the nature of the bad times, we can all take charge of improving our mental health.
In my next blog post, I’ll be sharing tips on how to be mentally healthy, Stay tuned!
Remember knowledge is power, we’re incubators of knowledge that have been released to raise a mental health aware and fit world.
Don’t forget to refer a friend to the blog considering the fact that you’ve learnt something new, (wink)😉