Have an ATTITUDE not an attitude
Hard work can flight you to the skies of success but without a good attitude your habitation up there would be ephemeral.
So many people today profess believe in God but fail to harness optimally their potentials to attain success. This is probably due to the fact that most Africans still hold dear the superstitions of being hindered by the evil 'village people' while being either ignorant or oblivious to the fact that there is a strong force within us that can impede our own growth to success or shorten our stay at the top.
A good attitude is everything, it speaks louder than academic degrees bagged, experiences gained or qualifications attained.
A great character can take you farther than any degree or qualification. Build your attitude like you would your curriculum vitae.
Make conscious efforts to improve it like you'll put into getting an A grade
The word of God works wonders, The word of God plus a good attitude works great wonders.
Sometimes the hindrance to our answers to prayers is our bad attitude.